Saturday, 26 February 2011

Cosplay: Rita Mordio

Hi guys!
So, as all those cosplayers out there know, Kitacon is only 5 weeks away! I'm so excited ^^
I'm planning as going as Rita Mordio from Tales of Vesperia. She is so cool! I'm even making her book and scroll. For a bit of info on Miss Rita, I suggest going to Aselia Wikia.

I've already made the pattern for tunic and long sleeve yukata:
So this is the pattern for her yukata on my mannequin (^),
and this is it with her tunic over the top (^).
Sorry for the bad picture quality but I only had my phone on me at the time and it's camera is not the best.
I started off making these by cutting up an old t-shirt I had lying around. Making your own pattern is kinda hard, but it gets easier to do, I hope lol. I made mine with calico, but you could make it from anything - but calico is the best and probably the cheapest medium to use.
So as well as everything mentioned above, I have started making her goggles, but they are currently at home, where I am not (at uni D:). I will probably use polycotton to make the cosplay, because it looks about right and where it has cotton in it, it should breathe (hopefully).
I still need to make the pattern for the pockets - which should be rather easy - and the pattern for the long red boot - which should be harder.

Toodles for now :)

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